Leadership “XXX” – Gives XXX leadership points to the player.
leaderprestige(lprestige) – Adds prestige to leaders attached to units at specified location.
inr – Short version of instantresearch.
inc – Short version of instantconstruction.
goods “XXX” – Gives XXX goods to player plus the same amount of money (Warning: large amount of goods lead to economic problems.).
election – Starts common elections right now.
debug yesmen – The AI accepts any deal with the player or other AI players.
debug market – Turns on/off a log of price changes.
debug invent (invention) – instantly get chosen invention.
When deactivated, all influence levels return to normal.
debug influence – Makes every Great Power’s influence on every country fixed at 100.
effect won’t disappear till reset game, unknown if AI is affected. need +50% of the upper-house favourable of reforms.
debug alwaysreform – Eliminates the 1 month wait between reforms.
debug alwaysdiplo – Makes diplomats endless.
debug alwaysaddwargoal – Removes limits for wargoal.
debug allmoney – Shows info for money transfers.
conquerall – Set all enemy provinces under our control.
(any misspelling=crash)Ĭhangeowner – Change the current owner of to the TAG specified.
addresearch(addr) – Adds research at specified name.
Here is a list of Victoria 2 console commands and Cheats: All you need to do is input one of the below commands and press return (enter) to get the effect you want. To use Victoria 2 cheats (or, as they are also known as, console commands), you’ll need to either press the ` ‘grave’ or ~ ‘tilde’ keys. Special mention to Steam user ‘NoseFaceButt’, mainly for the name, but also because they put in a lot of work compiling the commands and events for their own guide, many of which we reference below. Depending on your goal, you’ll often need to accomplish a lot in a limited timespan, and if things don’t go perfectly, well… we won’t judge you if you need to look up some Victoria 2 cheats and console commands to help smooth things along. Unique amongst the Paradox strategy games, Victoria 2 takes place over a relatively short time span but still counts its time in single days. Victoria 2 was originally released back in 2010 and has now been elevated to meme-status as we all wait patiently for the sequel, which may not be out until next year. Until that happens though, we’ll have to make do with its slightly archaic design, perhaps freshened up with some Victoria 2 mods. This cult classic grand strategy game is set in the 19th century during a time of great change, of rising nationalism, social welfare, and a major shift towards democratic governments. So, you want some Victoria 2 cheats? Victoria 3 may be on the way, but perhaps you’re playing the previous game to get some understanding as to what to expect.